Gitelinknorth France gite

Gites in northern France - map search

Gîtes, b&b, holiday rentals

 You are here:   Gites in France  ›  Interactive maps  › The North of France
All gite websites are in English or multi-lingual, and owners can be contacted in English .
Map symbols key: see below.


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Map key (click map marker, then property name)
Choice of gites for hire direct from the owners. Varying capacities
  One or two small gites for hire directly from the owners. Capacity up to 7
Single gite or B&B for hire through booking site. Capacity up to 6
Large single gite for hire directly from the owners. Capacity 8 or more
Larger gite or multiple gites for hire through a booking site.
B&B available directly from the owners
B&B  available through booking site

Owners - Add your gite to Gitelink France:
Gitelink is a directory specialising in in good quality good-value French gites and holiday accommodation. Listing only properties with character, notably gites in rural areas, Gitelink  - established in 1999 - is an effective way for owners to advertise their properties for direct rent, without the services or cost of any intermediary.  More details.

This page covers...

Picardy Hauts de France, and the north of the Champagne area

Most properties listed on Gitelink can be booked directly with owners. Other properties must be booked through a portal which does not charge any fee to the customer.
How to use this map : Click any marker to open an info window.  In the info window that opens, click the link to visit the owner's own website or booking site with full details and booking.
Zoom in or out using the +  and - buttons : one gite marker can hide another.
Move the map using the hand tool.


This map only shows properties in the area of the original map. If you slide the map off this area, you will not find any more properties. To search further afield, return to map index and choose another area.

More info and guides
Discover the Languedoc
Nimes city guide
For gites in other parts of France, return to Gitelink France
Low cost car hire throughout France 

Photo by Pierre André Leclercq
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