
International travel information

 for independent travellers

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General travel sites
Destinations: Europe Ecotourism sites Gitelink France
this page Travel in Europe & Mediterranean area Ecotourism and nature tourism Holiday cottages in France
Destinations: Rest of world Destination: France Traveller services Gitelink Spain
Travel and destination guides for other continents French travel sites / liens France Travellers' services, Directory of  gites in Spain

  International travel sites in English

Specialist travel General travel sites and directories

This is a human edited directory. To exchange links with Gitelink , or submit a site, go to this page .  Include brief details of your website and provide its address on the internet without  using a hyperlink.

 Do not submit any of the following: MfA sites, sites made up of affiliate links, "cheap" hotel booking sites, airline ticket sites, car hire sites, individual hotels, etc. sites with no original content, and so on.  You will just be wasting your time.

To submit a travel website for consideration with the Gitelink Directory, or suggest a site, please use our submissions page  Gitelink  reserves complete right to include or exclude sites from this directory according to circumstances. We welcome partnerships that lead to the  establishment of a network of content-rich travel and tourism sites, but do not list sites with little or no original content.
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