Village in toulouse area

Traditional gites in Midi-Pyrenees & Gascony   

Self-catering in southwest France from the Pyrenees to the Gers and the Tarn 2025

 You are here:   Gites in France  ›    Gascony & Pyrenees

The departments of Normandy and Mayenne

Western and central Pyrenees,
Gascony & Tarn

Including the following French departments :  09 Ariège, 31 Haute Garonne, 32 Gers, 64 Pyrénées Atlantiques, 65 Hautes Pyrénées, 81 Tarn, 82 Tarn et Garonne.
Includes historic regions of Béarn, Basque country, Armagnac & Gascony.

Further north: 12 Aveyron, 46 Lot, 48 Lozere, 07 Ardèche    Further east: 66 Eastern Pyrenees

🏠  Book directly with owners
Flags indicate the languages in which each property is presented:

 Gite avec site en français   
 Gite with website in English
 Website auf deutsch    
Website in nederlands   
 Enlaces en español.
  The most recent additions
  • Gite in Pyrenees National Park - 65 - Hautes Pyrénées 🏠     
       Former watermill, recently renovated, with accommodation for four, in quiet location on the edge of a village.  Located in a Pyrenean valley  south of Lourdes.
  • Villa or B&B in the Pyrenees -  🏠    
     Year round mountain holidays at Villa Gracieuse, on a quiet street in the centre of the delightful small town of Bagnères de Luchon. Accommodates up to 15 visitors.

Gites, listed by department  -  Departments are listed in random order

Gites in the Tarn - 81

Gites in Pyrénées Atlantiques and Hautes Pyrénées  - 64 and 65

Gites in Ariège - 09

Gites in Tarn et Garonne - 82

Gites in the Gers 32

Gites in Haute Garonne - 31

Gites in the Lot - 46 - and Aveyron - 12

Go to page :   Gites in the Lot, Aveyron, Lozère and Ardèche

Other accommodation: B and Bs in southwest France     Small campsites in SW France

Gitelink main menu Gites in Provence & Riviera Independent hotels in Midi-Pyrénées

Copyright 2003-2024

Owners - Add your gite to Gitelink France:
Gitelink is a directory specialising in in good quality good-value French gites and holiday accommodation, and listing only properties with character, notably gites in rural areas
The Gitelink  selection

Traditional gites in Gascony and Midi-Pyrenees

Best rates, no extra fees !
With Gitelink, you deal directly with owners, or else only with booking sites that do not charge the customer extra booking fees, administrative charges or credit card fees.

  Gitelink - the independent gites directory online since 1999 - lets you book directly with owners, avoiding the commissions and fees charged by many online holiday rental agencies. Click the links for full details and photos or each gite listed  listed
 Ferienwohnungen in Sudwestfrankreich - von den Pyreneen zum Tarn
 Alquiler de casas rurales en los Pireneos franceses y el entorno de Tolosa
Southwest france

Discover Gascony

Gascony is not a territorial division of modern France; it was a historic principality in the Middle Ages, and later became part of the Province of Guyenne. Generally speaking, it includes land southwest of the river Garonne, excluding the Béarn and the Basque country. Most of historic Gascony now lies in the Midi-Pyrenees region (this page) , a part of it in Aquitaine.

More information

Brief guide to Gascony
Toulouse city guide
The Midi-Pyrenees region

Practical information 

Driving times for the Midi-Pyrenees area and southwest France :
10 to 14 hours from Calais or Lille under normal driving conditions.
Best access routes from the UK, Belgium or Holland:
Western sector - motorways via Orleans
Eastern sector: motorways via Dijon and Lyons, or Orleans and Clermont-Ferrand.
Airports in and near Gascony:
Toulouse - Blagnac, Lourdes, Pau, Biarritz ,
Peripheral airports: Rodez, Montpellier, Carcassonne, Perpignan, Bordeaux.
Gites in other regions - clickable map
Map of France
Gitelink is  a fully independent website working directly with owners but also affiliated to certain online booking platforms. Gitelink takes no commission on rentals made directly with owners, but  may receive a small commission only on bookings made through affiliate sites . This has no effect at all on the price paid by the visitor.